Now that we have had the Clapham premises for two years, it is obvious that we are not getting a quarter out of them that we should. It my opinion we should be using them every night for some activity the whole year round. Naturally attendance at the beginning of such activity would be small. The oak was once an acorn.
In brief, this is what should be done.
1. A lecture every Sunday night the whole year round, with a programme in the S.S. two months ahead.
2. The E.C. to meet one night.
3. A regular evening for Inter Party Discussions.
4. One for discussing current events and problems of the day.
5. One for study classes, especially the
study of public speaking and debating.
6. One for social activities and games.
7. On the remaining evening S.W. London branch meets, and various committee meetings.
8. This is most important. All meetings
should start at 7 pm. weekdays, and 6 p.m.
Saturdays and Sundays. Croydon Branch
members and those coming from Caterham,
Coulsdon find that they have to leave in the
middle of most discussions to get home, and
this applies to many who come long distances.
There is nothing to prevent Saturday and Sunday meetings starting at 6 p.m.; then when
over cups of tea, darts or arguments are
desired these won't then interfere with the
business of the evening. But to put them first
means that a lot of comrades are not going to
waste their time by attending half a meeting
and having to go because of poor transport.
Naturally I know the objections to all these,
and I've got the answers. But unless we do
something about it we shall fail to take
advantage of the Party's best opportunity of
expanding that we have ever had. Let's act
now or it will go through our fingers.